
We are a consortium of admi­nis­tra­ti­on, mobi­li­ty pro­vi­ders, rese­arch and indus­try. Learn more about the pro­ject par­ti­ci­pan­ts and their tasks in TEMPUS.


BMW Group

With its brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motor­rad, the BMW Group is the world’s lea­ding pre­mi­um manu­fac­tu­rer of auto­mo­bi­les and motor­cy­cles and pro­vi­der of pre­mi­um mobi­li­ty services.
BMW has firm­ly ancho­red eco­lo­gi­cal and social sus­taina­bi­li­ty along the enti­re value chain, com­pre­hen­si­ve pro­duct respon­si­bi­li­ty and a clear com­mit­ment to con­ser­ving resour­ces in its strategy.

The BMW Group is con­tri­bu­ting its many years of expe­ri­ence in vehic­le deve­lo­p­ment and in the rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment of tech­ni­cal mobi­li­ty solu­ti­ons and ser­vices in urban are­as. In addi­ti­on to par­ti­ci­pa­ting in many work packa­ges of TEMPUS and pro­gramming vehicle-side soft­ware, the BMW Group is pro­vi­ding test vehicles.

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Ebus­co is dedi­ca­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment, pro­duc­tion and mar­ke­ting of ful­ly elec­tric urban and regio­nal buses and the asso­cia­ted eco­sys­tem. The company’s goal is to con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter and healt­hi­er living envi­ron­ment by making sus­tainable, zero-emission public trans­port the stan­dard. Ebusco’s buses are curr­ent­ly in ope­ra­ti­on in seve­ral Euro­pean count­ries, inclu­ding major cities such as Ams­ter­dam, Frank­furt and Munich.

For the TEMPUS pro­ject, Ebus­co is sup­p­ly­ing novel com­po­si­te buses that inte­gra­te state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy, enab­ling pla­too­ning bet­ween the­se buses.

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Karls­ru­he Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (ITIV)

For many years, the Insti­tu­te for Infor­ma­ti­on Pro­ces­sing Tech­no­lo­gy (ITIV) has been con­duc­ting rese­arch in par­ti­cu­lar on the use of hete­ro­ge­neous, dyna­mi­cal­ly recon­fi­gura­ble hard­ware archi­tec­tures, subject-specific opti­mi­zed archi­tec­tures, pro­ce­du­res for par­ti­tio­ning decis­i­ons of hard­ware and soft­ware for the use of cor­re­spon­ding metho­do­lo­gy for rapid pro­to­ty­p­ing, and the test­ing of hard­ware modu­les. In this envi­ron­ment, the work of ITIV deals with the opti­miza­ti­on of sys­tems in the field of auto­mo­ti­ve and auto­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy, as well as security.

In the TEMPUS pro­ject, ITIV is respon­si­ble for the con­cep­tu­al design, imple­men­ta­ti­on, and eva­lua­ti­on of the dri­ving func­tions for an auto­ma­ted pla­too­ning of e‑buses in public trans­port. After gathe­ring the requi­re­ments, a sen­sor con­cept nee­ded for imple­men­ta­ti­on and the neces­sa­ry algo­rith­ms are deve­lo­ped. The deve­lo­ped pla­too­ning func­tion­a­li­ty will be demons­tra­ted and tested.

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Bayern, München

Free Sta­te of Bava­ria — Bava­ri­an Sta­te Con­s­truc­tion Admi­nis­tra­ti­on (LBD)

LBD is respon­si­ble for the plan­ning, con­s­truc­tion, ope­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of fede­ral and sta­te roads in the inter-regional road net­work, as well as for some of the dis­trict roads on behalf of the coun­ties. This includes, among other things, the ope­ra­ti­on of traf­fic signal sys­tems and a traf­fic signal con­trol center.

In the TEMPUS pro­ject, LBD is buil­ding up the part of the test field that is in the extra-urban area. In addi­ti­on to set­ting up the infra­struc­tu­re in the rural test area, it is also invol­ved in other work packa­ges. LBD coor­di­na­tes the set-up of the test field with the traf­fic signal manu­fac­tu­r­ers, the data purcha­sers and the Sta­te Con­s­truc­tion Office Frei­sing, which is respon­si­ble on site.

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Landeshauptstadt München, Logo

City of Munich

The City of Munich (LHM) has the legal and poli­ti­cal obli­ga­ti­on, to design its trans­por­ta­ti­on sys­tem and pro­vi­de all citi­zens with the most sus­tainable mobi­li­ty opti­ons pos­si­ble. In doing so, it is also important to incor­po­ra­te rese­arch and inno­va­ti­on into the admi­nis­tra­ti­on, whe­re this makes sen­se, to con­ti­nu­al­ly renew and impro­ve the system.

In TEMPUS, LHM owns the pro­ject lead and the main respon­si­bi­li­ties are, for exam­p­le, infra­struc­tu­re equip­ment, digi­ta­liza­ti­on in the road space, sys­tem archi­tec­tu­re, and the role as a link bet­ween the indi­vi­du­al part­ners in all matters.

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PTV Group

PTV Group

The PTV Group is known for future-oriented soft­ware tech­no­lo­gies in the are­as of traf­fic plan­ning, trans­port logi­stics and geo­mar­ke­ting, as well as con­sul­ting. Our goal: design a mobi­li­ty for the future that pre­ser­ves our livelihoods.

PTV’s main task in the TEMPUS pro­ject is to rese­arch gene­ral beha­vi­oral model approa­ches for impro­ved simu­la­ti­on of the inter­ac­tion bet­ween vul­nerable road users (pede­stri­ans, cyclists) and auto­ma­ted vehic­les and their demonstrator-like imple­men­ta­ti­on in the PTV Vis­sim simu­la­ti­on software.

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Munich City Uti­li­ties (SWM)

SWM is the muni­ci­pal uti­li­ty and ser­vice pro­vi­der for Munich city and its sur­roun­ding regi­on. Münch­ner Ver­kehrs­ge­sell­schaft (MVG) is the sub­si­dia­ry of SWM and, as a lea­ding mobi­li­ty ser­vice pro­vi­der, ensu­res that ever­yo­ne in Munich can tra­vel quick­ly, safe­ly and in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly manner.

As part of TEMPUS, SWM/MVG are deve­lo­ping a pro­to­ty­pe for bus pla­too­ning and pilo­ting digi­tal public trans­port acce­le­ra­ti­on at sel­ec­ted traf­fic signals in the test area.

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trafficon Logo

Traf­fi­con GmbH

Traf­fi­con designs, initia­tes and imple­ments solu­ti­ons — to reli­e­ve con­ge­sted urban are­as and pro­mo­te envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly mobi­li­ty. As a part­ner of the public sec­tor, rese­arch, and indus­try, Traf­fi­con brings new approa­ches to the inter­ac­tion of living envi­ron­ment and move­ment space.

The imple­men­ta­ti­on of coope­ra­ti­ve traf­fic stra­te­gies and the con­cep­ti­on of a sys­tem archi­tec­tu­re for the test field are the cen­tral con­tri­bu­ti­ons in the TEMPUS project.

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Traf­fic Tech­no­lo­gy Ser­vices Euro­pe GmbH (TTS)

Traf­fic Tech­no­lo­gy Ser­vices Euro­pe (TTS) is a data ser­vice pro­vi­der for con­nec­ted and auto­ma­ted dri­ving. With the so-called Per­so­nal Signal Assistant, TTS is the first pro­vi­der to offer an area-wide V2X ser­vice in vehic­les. TTS stands for cloud-based ser­vices that gua­ran­tee ser­vice wit­hout expan­ding the roadsi­de infrastructure.

In Tem­pus, TTS brings to the frame­work and refe­rence archi­tec­tures requi­re­ments and imple­men­ta­ti­on pro­po­sals from the per­spec­ti­ve of a cen­tra­li­zed ser­vice pro­vi­der. A cen­tral traf­fic light pha­se ser­vice is being set up that spans all con­s­truc­tion load car­ri­ers. This is being inves­ti­ga­ted with regard to its effec­ti­ve­ness in saving fuel for com­bus­ti­on engi­nes and in exten­ding the ran­ge of elec­tric vehicles.

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tud logo

Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Dresden

The Chair of Traf­fic Psy­cho­lo­gy and the Chair of Inte­gra­ted Traf­fic Plan­ning and Road Traf­fic Engi­nee­ring are con­cer­ned with human expe­ri­ence and beha­vi­or as well as with safe­ty and qua­li­ty aspects in the traf­fic system.

In TEMPUS, TUD is inves­ti­ga­ting the accep­tance of, as well as the inter­ac­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with, auto­ma­ted and net­work­ed vehic­les from the per­spec­ti­ve of dif­fe­rent social groups that par­ti­ci­pa­te in non-motorized traf­fic, inclu­ding child­ren, the elder­ly or peo­p­le with limi­t­ed mobi­li­ty. The goal is to gain insights into how to make traf­fic inclu­ding auto­ma­ted vehic­les safer, more flu­id and more plea­sant for vul­nerable road users. To this end, a wide varie­ty of methods will be used — from con­duc­ting focus groups and house­hold sur­veys, to labo­ra­to­ry expe­ri­ments and field observations.

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Technical University of Munich

Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich

The Chair of Traf­fic Engi­nee­ring and Con­trol at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM) is con­cer­ned in rese­arch and tea­ching with methods and tech­no­lo­gies for recor­ding, describ­ing and spa­tio­tem­po­ral­ly mana­ging traf­fic (indi­vi­du­al and public transport).

In TEMPUS, TUM is enga­ged abo­ve all in the fol­lo­wing topics:

  • The simu­la­ti­ve and real-life test­ing of an ope­ra­tio­nal com­bi­na­ti­on of pas­sen­ger and freight traf­fic in the city — defi­ned as “Ride-Parcel-Pooling” (RPP).
  • Simu­la­ti­ons and extra­po­la­ti­ons of the inves­ti­ga­ted use cases to eva­lua­te the effects of con­nec­ted and auto­ma­ted traffic.

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Yunex Traf­fic

Yunex Traf­fic is an inde­pendent­ly mana­ged com­pa­ny of Sie­mens Mobi­li­ty. As a glo­bal lea­der in intel­li­gent trans­por­ta­ti­on sys­tems, it has the lar­gest end-to-end port­fo­lio of solu­ti­ons for adap­ti­ve traf­fic con­trol and manage­ment, high­way and tun­nel auto­ma­ti­on, and intel­li­gent solu­ti­ons for V2X and tol­ling. Yunex Traf­fic has 3,100 employees from 58 nati­ons and ope­ra­tes in over 40 count­ries world­wi­de. Its smart mobi­li­ty solu­ti­ons are curr­ent­ly deploy­ed in major cities around the world, inclu­ding Dubai, Lon­don, Ber­lin, Bogo­ta and Miami. Yunex Traf­fic has suc­cessful­ly focu­sed its efforts on mas­te­ring tech­no­lo­gies in the three seg­ments of hard­ware, soft­ware and ser­vice, making it the only pro­vi­der able to meet all major regio­nal stan­dards in Euro­pe, the UK, Asia and the Americas.

In the TEMPUS pro­ject, Yunex Traf­fic is imple­men­ting various use cases as part of the digi­ta­liza­ti­on of road infra­struc­tu­re (traf­fic signal sys­tem, road side unit) and for the digi­tal public trans­port prio­ri­tiza­ti­on of buses (on-board unit).

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3D Mapping-Solutions

3D Map­ping Solu­ti­ons GmbH, based in Holz­kir­chen and Pitts­burgh, USA, spe­cia­li­zes in the high-precision and high-resolution acqui­si­ti­on of road net­works, test and race tracks, and pro­ving grounds for auto­mo­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­ons, and is a glo­bal lea­der in this field. In addi­ti­on, its core com­pe­ten­ci­es include kine­ma­tic sur­vey­ing in rail­roads and tun­nels, the acqui­si­ti­on of basic data for the crea­ti­on of 3D envi­ron­ment models, the pro­vi­si­on of refe­rence infor­ma­ti­on for advan­ced dri­ver assis­tance sys­tems, and the crea­ti­on of high­ly accu­ra­te refe­rence maps of road net­works for auto­no­mous driving.

For the TEMPUS rese­arch pro­ject, 3D Map­ping Solu­ti­ons is digi­tiz­ing the test area in the north of Munich with mobi­le map­ping sys­tems. In addi­ti­on, 3D Map­ping Solu­ti­ons eva­lua­tes the use of exis­ting, up-to-date geo-base data of the City of Munich to crea­te high­ly accu­ra­te map data for auto­ma­ted driving.

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